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Showing posts with label excessive shedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label excessive shedding. Show all posts

28 August 2014


Ha Ha Ha.....what do you do about the hair everywhere?! Well I have good news and bad news.
Bad News: It's part of being a furkid! Sorry! Can't stop a furkid from shedding. There's no way to control it and furkids can shed for different reasons.
Make sure your furkid is healthy. Things like ringworm, skin infections, hot spots, stress, nutritional or vitamin deficiencies, anxiety, allergies, manage and cancer all can make your furkid shed more than usual.
If you understand why a furkid sheds then you can understand how to deal with it. Typically, furkids shed more in the spring and the fall. In the spring, they are losing their thick winter hair to make room for a thinner summer coat. In the fall, they will replace that thinner coat with one that is protective for the winter.
These things will help with EXCESSIVE shedding not the normal yearly shedding that your furkid goes through.
  • Can you give your furkid meds to help lessen shedding? - NO. Meds would be for if your furkid is sick. The excess shedding is a symptom of a more serious issue.
  • What about that dog food that says it's for shedding? - IT MAKES THEIR COAT LOOK GOOD =)
  • I've heard of oils and vitamins that will help control the shedding. - AGAIN IT MAKES THEIR COAT LOOK GOOD =) If lacking vitamins a supplement will help with the proper nutrition.
Good News: You CAN control how much hair is everywhere. Yaay!!!! Grooming is the biggest key here. The only thing that will help with shedding is brushing daily. Your furkid is going to shed the hair regardless if you brush him/her or not. So why not add some control measures to help make life easier?! =)
  • ok let me say this again......BRUSHING EVERYYYYY DAAAAAAY....maybe even more than once a day.
  • regular bathing
  • during excessive shedding:
    • pick up your rugs
    • do the brushing outside instead of inside
    • vacuum everyday....or more
      • furniture
      • clothing
      • vehicle
      • blankets
      • furkid beds
      • stuffed furkid toys
The next question I always get....."What kind of brush should I use?"

Furkids with thick double coats - A rake, such as the Bamboo Dog Undercoat and Dematting Rake to make sure that the loose hair is removed properly. A simple comb or bristle brush won't do the job. They need to be groomed daily if possible. These breeds would be part of the herding, working and sporting groups, such as, Australian Shepherd, Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Collie and German Shepherd.
Furkids with long, silky hair - A metal grooming comb and a slicker brush. The wide-flat type with bent-wire teeth. Breeds such as Yorkshire Terrier, Maltese, Setters, and Spaniels. Do be careful when using the slicker brush though, as you don't want to scratch or hurt the delicate skin under that beautiful flowing hair!

Furkids with short, wiry coats - A steel comb and a pin brush to remove all the loose hair. They also need stripping or plucking and bathing every 3 months or so. These breeds include Cairn Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, wire-haired Fox terrier and Irish Wolfhound.